These first pics were taken at Gardner Village. The girls went there while the boys went to the BUY usu game.
While Jeremy his brother and his dad went golfing, Diana and I went to look at all of the profits graves.
Here are a copy of the graves that we saw. It is amazing for some of the prophets have huge monuments and some are just tiny.
Gordan B Hinkley, one of my favorite prophets. On his head stone some one left a CTR ring. I Thought that was pretty cool.
Howerd W Hunter
On the night before Jeremys brother left we went bowling which was Ashleys first time. I am very sad to say Ashley beet me both times by 30 each time! How sad is that and she bowled by her self!
Whats you doing over there dad?
Ashley and daddy bowling
The day that jeremys brother flew out we went to Ihop to eat so here are some pics!
Jeremys dad
We are saying goodbye!
This sign says it all!
This is just his dad!
We were hanging out with Matt and Suzi tonight and we decided to go to WalMart. While we were there we go our pumkins! We cant wait until we get to carve them tomorrow!
Ashley and Daddy with Ashleys pumpkin
This pic was so cute I just had to put it in! As Ashley puts it this is her "pump-in"
I promise I will try and do better at bloging instead of having LONG blogs for you to read!
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