Here are a few up dates on our family, our computer is still being fixed so we cant post any pictures! So hopefuly soon we will get it back.
JEREMY- He is still working crazy hours. The tendinitus in his knee is doing a little better he is down to wearing the brace only at walmart.
BONNIE- She is staying busy taking care of all three girls. And trying to keep up with the house. Which she has been failing at, but her new goal is to spend one ta two hours a day trying to clean the house and do laundry. Bonnie will be turning 26 on Saturday and has to go and renew her drivers license tomorrow. Yay! At least she found a baby sitter so she does not have to drag two kids to the DMV.
ASHLEY- She is being a typical three year old. Her favorite sayings right now is "I am the boss", "Get out of my room"," Give me my sister", "But I want to", "Why", "I have to watch it or I am going to die", and "I love you Mommy". Ashley will be going with a friend of the familys to high school to play in their day care center. They asked if they could bring Ashley so that they could get extra credit. So Ashley gets to go and play with playdough, build with blocks, read stories, and play with kids.
CASAYA- She had a very good blessing a couple of weeks ago, and she is very greatfull to all who showed up. Casaya has also been looking forward to going to high school with some friends of the family. She gets to go and show off to every one of how cute she is. She has also been keeping her mom and dad up to all hours of the night. She has Colic, so she finds it fun to scream all day and all night. Casaya will be having a nurse come out to our house tomorrow to have her weighed and to check on her development. Then on the 31st she has to go to the dr for her two month shots.
In other news my father fell down and broke his shoulder. He went to the dr yesterday to see when he will have surgery to repair it. When he went in the docter told him they are not going to do the surgery for if they do he will not be able to lift his arm up very far for the plate will stop him. But if they leave it alone he still wont have the range of motion. So why put him through all of the pain if its not going to help. So now we are waiting to see how he is feeling, and if he is feeling ok, we will be going to Bear Lake over conference/ Easter weekend. Which will be fun for that will be Casayas first time of ever going to Bear Lake, and my first time in a year in a half. I did not get a chance to go last year for I was preggers all summer and we had moved and I did not want to leave our new house! So this year I am looking forward to lots and lots of parties!
What's On My Happy List?
2 weeks ago
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